
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Type F Videos and The Natural Hair Community

Curly Hair, Bad Advice?

Last week, the natural hair community gave a strident call for Tyra Bank's site, Type F, to remove videos by stylist/makeup artist, Joann Robertson, who wasn't too astute about the care of naturally curly hair.  

This is the perfect case of why companies should engage with communities and its influencers before launching products or videos.

I gave my own opinion on lessons we should learn from this.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Natural Hair Positive Affirmations - Thick Hair

Good Hair, Thick Hair

I believe in positive affirmations and that doesn't exclude my hair. I lived most of my life unfamiliar with my tightly curly hair, which was foreign territory to me.  When I received compliments for having thick hair, I'd get modest and say, "..thank you, but it's a lot to work with!"  

I expressed my hair challenges instead of embracing the thickness of my hair.  I had this problem when I was relaxed,  but it crept over when I became natural. 

 But, no complaints this time!  I must accept my hair and master it.

I chose to speak and write affirmations for my thick hair.
  • Your hair is full, healthy and beautiful with many strands.
  • People pay for hair extensions to have the fullness and density of your hair.
  • When someone compares your hair to a wig, it's a compliment! Be happy! 

Here's a video of my affirmations.